Day 442 - Teams Big and Small

Over the years, or even just a year, a research team expands and contracts. Team size, team turnover, can be overwhelmingly inconsistent.

Since starting out as an independent research leader, one thing has stood without a rival in terms of how much it has changed the leadership game. Project management platforms.

I’ve trialed several, a few have worked, we’ve settled on one. Why? Two core points:

  1. We can (and do) run the team the same when it’s composed of single as well as double-digit numbers of people.

  2. We capture all the nuanced interactions that would otherwise fall through the verbal cracks.

Our team interactions are searchable. Our size is scalable, in either direction.

How can you best scale how your team operates (and not solely in the direction of growth)?

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Day 443 - 5 Assumptions to Drop Before a Job Search


Day 437 - Done is better than perfect