Day 472 | Q&A Episode 3 – Imposter Phenomenon MBA Seminar Q&A

In this bonus episode of the podcast, I share with you the Q&A conversation from a recent Imposter Phenomenon seminar for MBA students at the University of Strathclyde.

During this somewhat scattered season of irregular episodes of the podcast, I’ve been developing the Imposter Syndrome Masterclass. The Q&A that you hear in this episode came at a time in 2022, just after launching You Are (Not) a Fraud, became one of the seeds of the workshop adventure that the book has now become.

Among many highlights in this episode, listen out for the moment where the audience helps turn the questions back to my own motivations…

Don’t forget that you can send in your contribution to future Q&A episodes using the form below.


Day 492 | Catalysing Conversations


Day 459 - Teaching